Mission Statement:

“To represent the needs, concerns and long term best interests of the BC Stunt Community.”

The UBCP/ACTRA Stunt Committee is a union-sanctioned, 10 member committee whose members are elected by the Stunt Community.
The committee includes an Alberta Stunt Community representative (as an observer) and two Apprentice Stunt Committee Members which are appointed by the elected committee.

To ensure diverse and equitable stunt community representation, the committee has set the following committee composition requirements:

  • Must have at least 2 Stunt Riggers
  • Must have at least 3 Stunt Women 
  • Should be as diverse as possible (stunt groups, ethnicity, coordinators/performers, etc.)
  • Apprentice Members shall have less than 5 years experience in stunts and consist of 1 stuntwoman and 1 stuntman

The Committee currently works with one Executive Board representative and one UBCP/ACTRA representative, who help facilitate the goals of the Committee & act as the liaisons with the Executive Board and the union staff.

What the Stunt Committee Does:

  • Fields questions and concerns from the Stunt Community and offers guidance and direction.
  • Assists UBCP/ACTRA staff with stunt related issues like upgrades and foreign work permit requests.
  • Represents the voice and concerns of the Stunt Community in dealings with the union and other industry partners.
  • Addresses issues related to safety and bargaining.
  • Creates opportunities for education within the Stunt Community.
  • Communicates with the community about issues that affect the stunt related aspects of our industry.

Goals of the Stunt Committee:

  • To promote the highest standards of professionalism.
  • To promote a culture of safety, personal responsibility and accountability.
  • To support and encourage the transfer of knowledge from veterans to new and young performers.
  • To showcase the skill & experience of our community & support job opportunities for all Canadian performers.
  • To value the input of any and all stunt community members regardless of affiliations.

To Contact the Stunt Committee: Email:   stunt.committee@ubcpactra.ca

Stunt Committee Members:
Rob Hayter (Chair)
Chad Bellamy
Jennifer Clarke
Colin Decker
Dave Edgar
Irma Leong
Atlin Mitchell
Dan Rizzutto
Rorelee Tio
Rhys Williams

Alberta Observer – Jodi Stecyk
Apprentice Member – Megan Hui
Apprentice Member – Jonathan Vellner

Lori Stewart – Health & Safety, Performer Advocate – lori.stewart@ubcpactra.ca
Lesley Brady – Director of Contracts – lesley.brady@ubcpactra.ca